11月 | Vesber 最佳RIO论文推荐

2020-11-24 分类:企业新闻 作者:admin
《A Pilot Clinical Study Of Treating Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment By Silicone Rubber Balloon Scleral Buckling《硅橡胶球囊外加压术治疗孔源性视网膜脱离的初步临床研究》(Retina. 2020;40(10)_1918-1928.)Purpose::To evaluate the effificacy and primary safety of treating rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) using foldable capsular vitreous body scleral buckling.

目的:探讨折叠式人工玻璃体球囊外加压术治疗孔源性视网膜脱离(RRD)的有效性和安全性。 Methods:Five patients with simple RRD were treated with foldable capsular vitreous body scleral buckling. B-ultrasound and fundus photography examining of retina reattachment were used to evaluate the postsurgery effificacy. The safety of the treatment was evaluated based on the occurrence of infection, eye pain, diplopia, elevated intraocular pressure, and other serious postoperative complications after surgery. The observation time after the operation was at least 12 weeks.


Results:The simple RRD of all fifive patients was successfully reattached before being evaluating by B-ultrasound and fundus photography after surgery. Visual acuity was enhanced in two patients who were macularly affected. One patient had temporary diplopia and eye movement limitation after surgery. No other complications were recorded.


Conclusions:This pilot study determined that foldable capsular vitreous body scleral buckling can be effificacious and safe for simple RRD. The results indicate that this surgery may be a novel alternative to the current extraocular procedures for simple RRD.





I——Investigative Ophthalmology& Visual Science推荐
《Retina Organoid Transplants Develop Photoreceptors and Improve Visual Function in RCS Rats With RPE Dysfunction》《视网膜类器官移植在视网膜色素上皮功能障碍的RCS大鼠中生长感光细胞并改善视觉功能》(Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020;61(11)_34.)
Purpose:To study if human embryonic stem cell–derived photoreceptors could survive and function without the support of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) after transplantation into Royal College of Surgeons rats, a rat model of retinal degeneration caused by RPE dysfunction.目的:研究将分化为感光细胞的人胚胎干细胞移植到英国皇家外科学院大鼠体内后,细胞能否在没有视网膜色素上皮(RPE)供养的情况下存活和发挥功能。

 Methods:CSC14 human embryonic stem cells were differentiated into primordial eye structures called retinal organoids. Retinal organoids were analyzed by quantitative PCR and immunofluorescence and compared with human fetal retina. Retinal organoid sheets (30–70 day of differentiation) were transplanted into immunodeficient RCS rats, aged 44 to 56 days. The development of transplant organoids in vivo in relation to the host was examined by optical coherence tomography. Visual function was assessed by optokinetic testing, electroretinogram, and superior colliculus electrophysiologic recording. Cryostat sections were analyzed for various retinal, synaptic, and donor markers.


Results:Retinal organoids showed similar gene expression to human fetal retina transplanted rats demonstrated significant improvement in visual function compared with RCS nonsurgery and sham surgery controls by ERGs at 2 months after surgery (but not later), optokinetic testing (up to 6 months after surgery) and electrophysiologic superior colliculus recordings (6–8 months after surgery). The transplanted organoids survived more than 7 months; developed photoreceptors with inner and outer segments, and other retinal cells; and were well-integrated within the host.


 Conclusions:This study, to our knowledge, is the first to show that transplanted photoreceptors survive and function even with host’s dysfunctional RPE. Our findings suggest that transplantation of organoid sheets from stem cells may be a promising approach/therapeutic for blinding diseases.





O—— Ophthalmology 推荐 
《Ophthalmic Medication Expenditures and Out-of-Pocket Spending An Analysis of United States Prescriptions from 2007 through 2016》《2007至2016年美国处方眼科用药支出和自费支出的分析》(Ophthalmology. 2020;127(10)_1292-1302.)
 Purpose:To estimate temporal trends in total and out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditures for ophthalmic prescription medications among adults in the United States.目的:评估美国成年人眼科处方药的总费用和自付费用(OOP)的时间变化趋势。

Design:Retrospective, longitudinal cohort study.


 Participants:Participants in the 2007 through 2016 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) 18 years of age or older. The MEPS is a nationally representative survey of the noninstitutionalized, civilian United States population.


 Methods:We estimated trends in national and per capita annual ophthalmic prescription expenditures by pooling data into 2-year cycles and using weighted linear regressions. We also identifified characteristics associated with greater total or OOP expenditures with multivariate weighted linear regression. Costs were adjusted to 2016 United States dollars using the gross domestic product price index.


Main Outcome Measures:Trends in total and OOP annual expenditures for ophthalmic medications from 2007 through 2016 as well as factors associated with greater expenditures.


 Results:From 2007 through 2016, 9989 MEPS participants (4.2%) reported ophthalmic medication prescription use. Annual ophthalmic medication use increased from 10.0 to 12.2 million individuals from 2007 and 2008 through 2015 and 2016. In this same period, national expenditures for ophthalmic medications increased from $3.39 billion to $6.08 billion and OOP expenditures decreased from $1.34 to $1.18 billion. Per capita expenditure increased from $338.72 to $499.42 (P < 0.001), and per capita OOP expenditure decreased from $133.48 to $96.67 (P < 0.001) from 2007 and 2008 through 2015 and 2016, respectively. From 2015 through 2016, dry eye (29.5%) and glaucoma (42.7%) medications accounted for 72.2% of all ophthalmic medication expenditures. Patients who were older than 65 years (P < 0.001), uninsured (P < 0.001), and visually impaired (P < 0.001) were signifificantly more likely to have greater OOP spending on ophthalmic medications.

结果:从2007年到2016年,9989名医疗支出情况调查参与者(4.2%)报告使用了眼科药物处方。从2007/2008到2015/2016年,每年眼科用药人数从1000万增加到1220万。同期,全国眼科药品总支出从33.9亿美元增加到60.8亿美元,自费总支出从13.4亿美元减少到11.8亿美元。从2007/2008到2015/2016年,人均支出从338.72美元增加到499.42美元(P<0.001),人均自费支出从133.48美元下降到96.67美元(P<0.001)。2015 – 2016年,干眼(29.5%)和青光眼(42.7%)药物支出占眼科药物支出的72.2%。年龄大于65岁(P < 0.001)、无保险(P < 0.001)和视力受损(P < 0.001)的患者在眼科药物上自费支出明显增高。

 Conclusions:Total ophthalmic medication expenditure in the United States increased signifificantly over the last decade, whereas OOP expenses decreased. Increases in coverage, copayment assistance, and use of expensive brand drugs may be contributing to these trends. Policy makers and physicians should be aware that rising overall drug expenditures ultimately may increase indirect costs to the patient and offset a decline in OOP prescription drug spending.




